utils module

Utility functions and classes for common calculations and networking patterns.

Jin Cheng 12/12/16:
StopHeatingError, async fetch() function that makes HTTP requests. The Network queue. Number manipulation functions.
class robotchem.utils.NetworkQueue(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: asyncio.queues.Queue

A Queue object with additional attribute to store last time an item was retrieved and processed.

put(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Put a json object into the networking queue, to await upload to the server.

exception robotchem.utils.StopHeatingError[source]

Bases: BaseException

An exception, when raised, should stop heating in cells and terminate current active calorimetry job.

robotchem.utils.clamp(number, min_number=0, max_number=100)[source]

A function that clamps the input argument number within the given range.

  • number – The number to be clamped.
  • min_number – Minimum value the clamped result can take.
  • max_number – Maximum value the clamped result can take.

The clamped result.

robotchem.utils.fetch(session, method, url, payload, timeout=5, **kwargs)[source]

An asynchronous HTTP request function sending JSON data, with an automatically included ACCESS_CODE field from settings.py.

  • session – the async HTTP session content manager
  • method – method of the HTTP request
  • url – URL of the API endpoint
  • timeout – raise a time out error after this duration of time (in seconds)
  • payload – dictionary containing JSON content
  • kwargs – extra JSON data to send, omitting ACCESS_CODE (which is automatically included)

decoded JSON response as dict or list.

robotchem.utils.roughly_equal(*args, tolerence=0.01)[source]

Compares argument inputs for equality. If all of their differences with each other are within the set tolerance, return True, vice versa.

  • args – Compared numbers.
  • tolerence – If all differences between inputs are within this value, return True.

Whether the arguments are roughly equal to each other.